
Among the benefits of being a member are:

  • A copy of the annual Directory, Gazeteer and Registry, providing you with contact information for all fellow members, and information about all of the surviving Marmon and Roosevelt cars known to the club.
  • Four issues every year of The Marmon News, our award-winning newsletter.
  • Information about our annual meetings (musters), so you can make plans to attend. Musters usually include tours of scenic back roads, historic sites, automotive history, a fundraising auction, and numerous social events to allow you to mingle with and enjoy the company of fellow Marmon/Roosevelt enthusiasts.

How to Join

There are three ways to join the Marmon Club…

Option 1

To join the Marmon Club, please download and complete the Membership Application, and mail it along with membership dues to the address shown below (also printed on the application). The club’s membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st.

Click here to download the Marmon Club Membership Application Form

Cost of Membership

Email Membership
(All club publications delivered by Email)
One year – $25.00
Two years – $45.00
Three years – $60.00

Regular Print Membership
(All publications delivered by mail):
United States
One year – $40.00
Two years – $80.00
Three years – $115.00

Regular Print Membership
(All publications delivered by mail):
One year – $48.00
Two years – $96.00
Three years – $139.00

Anywhere Else
One year – $58.00
Two years – $116.00
Three years – $166.00

Dues cover both you and your spouse as members, one subscription to the newsletter, and one annual directory.

Checks should be made payable to The Marmon Club and sent with the completed application to the address below. Credit card payments can only be made via PayPal through this website. If you choose to pay via PayPal, please make a note on your application that your dues have already been submitted via PayPal. You can also use Zelle to send payments to:

After printing and completing the application, mail it along with appropriate dues to:

Marmon Club Membership and Registration
c/o Gloria Kannas, Treasurer
18875 290th St.
Treynor, IA 51575-6335

Option 2

You can use Zelle to send payments to: You may also join the Marmon Club by sending an email to and providing the following information:

Your name:
Your spouse’s name:
Your preferred email address:
Your mailing address:
Your home phone:
Your cell or work phone:

If you own a Marmon or Roosevelt automobile, for each please provide us with:

The car’s year, model and body style:
The car’s Serial Number:
The car’s Engine Number:
The car’s Body Number:
A brief description of its condition:

If you can, we would very much appreciate receiving good pictures of your car. Electronic pictures are preferred, but photographs will also be gratefully received. Upon completing the email, click on one of the payment links below to pay your dues using PayPal, and you will have completed the process.

Option 3

Call our membership chair George Bradley at 786-457-3400 to submit your application by phone.

RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP HERE – just select your payment option below. If any contact information has changed, or if you have bought or sold a Marmon, email that information to Don’t wait – renew now!

Select email membership option below:

Select US membership option below:

Select Canadian membership option below:

Select International membership option below:


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